Category Archives: Challenges


Does your photo have any meaning? To be honest, it probably does.

Yesterday was Halloween and I wanted to take a frightening photograph, that was my aim, no self discovery or self portraiture was intented, here it is:


All I wanted was a scary and simple picture to celebrate Halloween. Today I noticed there was more to the picture than I could have ever imagined. Once in a book I read that every photo you take is a reflection of yourself, with this piece, I understood what that meant.

In the picture, the subject (me) has no mouth, a lens only in the left eye and it’s just the head. I didn’t think of all these elements, I simply went adding and removing stuff, the only goal was to keep it simple and scary. Now let’s see what my life has been lately, a few weeks ago, I went to the doctor and she said i needed glasses but that only my left eye needed help this eplains the lens only being in the left eye. Then, for the past few weeks Ihardly spoke, I was on holiday and I’ve lived in my city for only 2 months, so I practically know no one ergo, I didn’t speak, that explains why I don’t have a mouth. And last but not least, lately I feel stuck, I found out that what I’m studying (physics and math) doesn’t really suit me, I thought that that was what I wanted to do, in order to become a rocket scientist later on, but turns out I don’t like it, so now I’m stuck, i can’t move from my undesired career, which explains why is it only the head, it can’t move on its own, it is stuck.

As you can see, although I didn’t mean for the photo to have any meaning, it is a perfect reflection of my life at the moment. So that’s my challenge for you today, find the meaning in your photography, I assure you, it is there.

Chek out my portfolio website;

Photo-Challenges: Photograph your surroundings

Today i’m giving you a challenge that I believe can help you improve your photography skills, go outside your home and walk in any direction for one hour and then come back, of course with your camera and a couple of lenses.

I did this a couple weeks ago and I found it really challenging, you don’t know what you will be shooting so it is kind of difficult, and you will be shooting more than one type of photos so you have to go prepared for anything. When i did it myself, it was rather easy because i live near the mountains so all i could shoot was wildlife and landscapes, i’ve added a gallery where you can see my pics.

In what concerns you, i’m guessing you don’t live near the mountains where there’s nothing but wildlife, you must live in the city, so what i suggest you take with you is a couple lenses. First of all, you might be shooting people and perhaps animals like squirrels or cute insects so at the top of my head i would take a lens that is like 55-250 mm, which is great for portraits and far away subjects or really tiny ones. Next i would take my 18-55 mm, this one for landscaping, a sunset view through the houses could be spectacular or a long exposure shot of car lights is also great, which comes to the next item i think you should have, a tripod, well, this is something you should always have with you when you’re off photographing since sharpness is what we want the most.

That’s it, down below is my gallery for when i took the challenge. Happy shooting and happy holidays!